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The Wisdom Teeth grow behind the gums and are the teeth that come out last. Most people have 4 teeth of 20 (1 in each corner).

Wisdom teeth usually come out of the gums in the late teens or early twenties. By this time, the other 28 adult teeth are usually in place, so there is not always enough room in the mouth for wisdom teeth to grow properly.

Due to lack of space, wisdom teeth can sometimes come out at an angle or get stuck and only partially come out. Wisdom teeth that grow in this way are known as embedded.

If they are embedded but do not cause any problems, your 20-year-old teeth usually do not need to be pulled out. This is because it carries a risk of complications.

Sometimes wisdom teeth that are buried or have not completely broken the gum surface can cause dental problems. Nutrients and bacteria can get stuck on the edges of wisdom teeth, causing the formation of plaque, which can lead to:

  • Dental caries (tooth decay)
  • Gum disease (also called gingivitis or periodontal disease)
  • Pericoronitis - when plaque causes infection in the soft tissue surrounding the tooth.
  • Abscess - collection of pus on your wisdom teeth or in the surrounding tissue because of a bacterial infection
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