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What is Crown?

A dental crown or cap is a kind of crown for teeth that can be used in various situations. Its main function is to protect the tooth. However, in many cases it can be used to change the appearance of the teeth. In general, they can be of two types: ceramic combined with metal and those that are made only of ceramics.

Metal ceramic crowns are the traditional ones that are cheaper but do not give as satisfactory results as ceramic crowns. On the other hand, all ceramic veneers are a little more expensive, but they have much better aesthetics and are especially preferable for the front teeth, since the color of the veneer exactly matches your tooth color. Both zirconium and E-max are fully ceramic coated.

Crowns are not placed directly on the tooth. The tooth is first prepared by filing a little from all sides (according to the condition of the tooth). Then the measurement of the tooth sent to the laboratory for crown production is taken. Each crown is specially made according to the size of the original tooth. If more than one tooth requires veneers, it may take longer and even require a temporary crown for a short period of time. The new crown will be glued to the tooth when it comes to the dentist. This whole procedure may require 2-3 visits to your dentist.

How much time do you need?

Dental crowns can be used in various scenarios. For example, if you have undergone root canal treatment due to a dental infection, a veneer is needed to protect the treated tooth from damage, since the natural tooth becomes brittle after such procedures and may discolor over time. Also, veneers will usually be placed for aesthetic purposes. Stains that cannot be managed by bleaching methods, such as those caused by fluorides, may require a crown to cover them. They are also necessary for bridges that need support from neighboring teeth to replace the missing tooth.

What is the E-max crown?

They are special type crowns made of lithium disilicate material. Lithium disilicate is known as a restorative crown material for its superior strength and attractive aesthetics. E-max crowns are translucent and therefore the closest to your tooth color. This feature has made it a popular choice for crown restoration, especially on the front teeth.

What is the difference of zirconium crown from EMAX crown?

The main factors that distinguish zirconium crown from E-max are durability and aesthetics. As mentioned earlier, E-max crowns are made of a hard material called lithium disilicate and a single block. This means that there are no joints in the crown and, therefore, they are better equipped to withstand pressure than zirconium crowns. Therefore, chipping or breaking of the crown is less likely.

Emax Crown may provide more natural look than Zirconium crown For this reason, which crown will be chosen is decided according to the situation of the case and the patient’s request. They may look unnatural and be distinguishable from your other teeth. The advantage of an E-max crown over zirconium is its translucency. The color of the crown can exactly match the color of the neighboring teeth on which the crown will be placed. This greatly increases the chances of an exact color match compared to the zirconium crown.

Are there any disadvantages of E-max crowns?

There are some points to keep in mind about E-max crowns when deciding on crown restoration for your teeth. The front teeth usually do not exert heavy forces compared to the back teeth during chewing food. Therefore, E-max crowns are preferred in these areas.

In addition, since the front teeth are the most visible teeth, they need crowns that are one-to-one compatible with the neighboring tooth color. However, all ceramic crowns such as E-max should be avoided on the back teeth or on the back teeth where the chewing forces are heavy. Especially if more than one tooth needs to be covered, i.e., in multi-unit crowns, as in the case of a bridge. These areas should be preferred with metal ceramic crowns for better durability. E-max veneer should not be recommended to people who have the habit of grinding teeth, which is called bruxism, because they may not be able to handle such heavy forces even on the front teeth.

So basically, E-max crowns are not designed for heavy forces.

The second possible disadvantage of an E-max crown is its cost. It is more expensive compared to a zircon crown, and even more expensive than a simple metal-ceramic crown. This is the most common factor in most people that discourages them from choosing E-max.

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